Photo-on-Demand Chemical Co., Ltd.

Photo-on-Demand Organic Synthesis
 For Green and Digital Transformations

Photo-on-Demand Organic Synthesis
 For Green and Digital Transformations


Production of Organic Chemicals using Light from Sewage, Seawater, and Air

Company Profile

Photo-on-Demand Chemical Co., Ltd. is a start-up company established on April 1, 2024 from Kobe University.
Our goal is contribution to human society and earth environment through original science and technology developed in Tsuda Laboratory. We will contribute to carbon neutrality and the SDGs through “photoproduction” which uses sewage, seawater, and air as raw materials to produce valuable chemicals with light. We conduct R&D and business development through an industry-academia-government-finance consortium in the world.

Company Name Photo-on-Demand Chemical Co., Ltd.
Establishment April 1, 2024

Chief Executive Officer (CEO):  Akihiko Tsuda

Adviser Executive Adviser (EA):  Kazuhiko Tsuda
Headquarters Kobe University, Graduate School of Science A228, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Contact info(at)  [Please change “(at)” to “@”]


Prof. Dr. Akihiko Tsuda serve as CEO of Photo-on-Demand Chemical Co., Ltd., a startup company that establised in April 2024 to produce bio-based chemicals through the photo-on-demand phosgenation reactions.

He received B.E. degree from Shinshu University in 1997, and then received M.E. degree from Osaka University in 1999. He obtained his Ph.D from Kyoto University in 2002. He then started an academic career as an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo. He has been an associate professor at Kobe University since 2008. He has also served as a visiting associate professor at Shiga University of Medical Science since 2017 and as a visiting professor at Inner Mongolia Medical University from 2018–2023.
Tsuda’s research and business focus on the photo-on-demand in situ phosgenation reactions, developing safe, inexpensive, and simple reaction systems capable of using for a wide variety of organic syntheses.


Business Background


Challenges Required for Current Chemical Production


For Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(1) Green Transformation (GX)
(2) Digital Transformation (DX)
Synthesis of Organic Chemicals with Methane (CH4) whose Global Warming Potential (GWP) is about 25 Times that of CO2

The GX Challenge in Chemical Production
Two Greenhouse Gases that Need to be Reduced
Carbon Dioxide
 Property Extremely stable and low reactivity ·Global warming potential about 25 times that of CO2
·Chemically stable and low reactivity
 Society Emissions mainly from fossil fuel use
 (Human life)
 Mainly used as fuel
 (power generation, automobiles, etc.)
Subject Conversion to chemicals requires large amounts of energy
or expensive reagents for conversion to chemicals
·Burns and emits CO2
·Scientifically difficult to convert to chemicals

·Prone to explosion 
Research Active in research as a raw material for chemicals Inactive in research as a raw material for chemicals 
Our Viewpoint Emit more CO2 than used If chemicals are made from methane, both methane and CO2 are reduced! 

Our Original Science and Technology

After about 15 years of study, the Tsuda Laboratory at Kobe University succeeded for the first time in the world in photo-on-demand synthesis of valuable chemicals from chlorocarbons and methane. To date, we have obtained about 40 domestic and international patents, and have established Photo-on-Demand Chemical Co., Ltd. We will conduct further research and development for industrial use of the chemical reaction and develop an unprecedented eco-chemical production business using sewage, seawater, and air as raw materials. We aim to contribute to society through both in-house production and joint production

Batch-Type System
Flow-Type System

Products & Services

Production of useful chemicals (phosgenated products) by photo-on-demand organic synthesis on a small-scale multi-products
(A) In-house production:
In-house production and sales of pharmaceutical ingredients and Intermediates, as well as contract manufacturing.
(B) Co-production:
Co-production business through comprehensive sharing of technology platforms such as manufacturing systems, safety equipment, licenses, and know-how for use in the production of targeted chemicals through joint development with customers.
Main Products

[Applications] Pharmaceutical ingredients and intermediates, agrochemical raw materials, fragrances, adhesives, tackifiers, greases, etc.

Support Organizations